Other interesting comments from the Contribution
section. Information about our
Abkürzungen von Vornamen / First Names
Kürzungszeichen / Apostrophes [Genealogical Symbols]
Quellenverzeichnis / Bibliographical Index
volumes of "Sammelwerk donauschwäbischer Kolonisten/Auszüge aus der
donauschwäbischen Gesamtkartei" [vol. 1-6; AKdFF, Sindelfingen/Germany,
1997-2003] are published in alphabetical order by SURNAMES [published
up to "Schazer"]. It has been estimated there will be 9 [10?]
volumes in the end. The books are transcribed info from all Authorized Sources
of Research Data for the Banat and
Batschka area like:
- WK's book of settlers who were registered in Vienna;
- Hacker's research data;
- the data from the "Kirchenbuecher", which were published
by AKdFF members;
- Etc.
Stader's objective is to have the most accurate [but we did find some
mistakes!] information database available. His major goal is to list the place
where the settlers originally came from. These volumes concern only the *original
settlers* [~1740-1830] and mainly the settlers from the second and third
wave of colonization.
After Stefan Stader's death [on 10.12.2003 in Hanau, Germany], AKdFF / Arbeitskreis donauschwäbischer Familienforscher e.V. appointed someone to take over and finish his work on "Sammelwerk donauschwäbischer Kolonisten".
Examples of Abbreviations existing in Stader's "Sammelwerk donauschwäbischer Kolonisten …" :
Qu; (5) BanA Fasz 35 rNr 156, fol 155b-156 = Abs SKRA S 94; (211) St-Len; (144)
PeBak S 12.
- Qu; (1) WK 265/99; = (4) UngRA Pro 1785, fol 123-125 = Abs Bd VII S 162; (5)
BanA Fasz 35 rNr 156, fol 155b-156, 784b-785 = Abs SKRA S 94, 302.
Qu = "sources".
"Quellenverzeichnis" on XXIX-XLV of the Stader Book for the numbers (for example "(1)" or "(5)")
on XLVI-XLIX for the rest (for example "BanA" ....)
Abs. = copy of the list
SKRA = Schlafkreuzerakten im Hofkammerarchiv Wien, mit vielen Einquartierungen
im Banat (Settlers List in the Vienna file with many quartering in the Banat)
St-Len = Stader's Lenauheim files
WK = Quellen zur deutschen Siedlungsgeschite in Südosteuropa, bearbeitet
von Dr. Franz WILHELM und Dr. Josef KALBRUNNER, 1936 (Sources of German Settlement
History in Southeast Europe)
UngRa = Hungarian settler list (Hungarian State Archive)
The numbers after the source information are most likely the page/sheet numbers
DU FK stands for Deutsch-Ungarischer Familien-Kalender
BanA = Banater Akten
Fasz = Faszikel / Fascicle
fol = folio / page
Abs = Abschrift / copy
S = Seite / page
Bd = band / volume
Dr. Anton Peter Petri's List of Abbreviations from “Herkunftsorte der … Kolonisten” series