GenealogyRO Group is a Genealogical Research & Probate Investigations Group with full research capabilities for romanian Banat, Transylvania, and Romania. Our believe is that genealogical research must be stimulated in this corner of the World. In these Web pages everybody is invited to check our contributions in achieving this purpose.
For information about our services please check http://www.genealogy.ro
 | GenealogyRO Group's Posts on FEEFHS's [Federation of East European Family History Societies] Web Site |
 | A NEW GenealogyRO Group Service: Your Village's Card |
 | Abbreviations used by GenealogyRO Group | Other Abbreviations |
 | Genealogical Dictionaries: Latin-English; Hungarian-English |
 | Johnny Weissmüller's Centenary [1904-1984]. Contributions to Tarzan's True Story |
 | Some Basic Info on Banat |
 | The Banat / Ban Pages. Historical Chrestomathie |
 | Banat & Ban in the 1911 Encyclopedia [edited text] |
 | Banat’s Denominations in the last Two Millenniums |
 | Banat's Historical Chronology for the First Millennium A.D. |
 | Banat's Historical Chronology for the Last Millennium |
| | XI - XV Century | XVI - XVII Century | XVIII Century | XIX Century | XX Century | |
 | Colonization of Banat [statistics] |
 | Passing Trough Vienna |
 | Locating a Place of Origin in Germany [the Meyers Gazetteer] |
 | Unconventional History of Banat |
 | Cats in Banat [fable] |
 | Banat’s Saints |
 | Dates for Market-Villages in Banat |
 | Inquilinus / Zseller / Jeleri |
 | Old Mesurements Units |
 | Illegitimate Children’s Problem [statistics] |
 | Sketches on a Myth: the Unique Child in Banat |
 | Short History of Sânnicolau Mare [aka Großsanktnikolaus, Nagyszéntmiklós] |
 | Cenad's History |
 | Colonization of Frenchmans in Banat [1766-'73] |
 | Story on Tomnatic / Triebswetter [Frenchman's in Banat] |
 | Italians in Banat |
 | Banat's Czechs |
 | Research for your Slovak Roots in Romania |
 | The Magyarization Process |
 | Find a Location in pre-WWI Hungary |
 | Transylvania & Banat's Ethnical Composition Before WWI |
 | Why did the Banaters Immigrate to USA? |
 | The "GAP"; Notes on Records and Archives for the Romanian Banat |
 | Genealogical Research in Banat. I. KBs, it's impossible without them! (Mt. Angel Conference, Oregon, USA, September 18–19, 2015) |
 | Genealogical Research in Banat. II. The golden rule: check everything with your own eyes! (Mt. Angel Conference, Oregon, USA, September 18–19, 2015) |
 | Research in Timişoara [aka Temeschburg, Temesvár] City |
 | Familienbuch / Ortssippenbuch, just a simple index ?! |
 | The Best / Worst Banat's Familienbuchs |
 | Black & White in Triebswetter [Tomnatic] Familienbuch |
 | Familienbuch / Ortssippenbuch nur ein einfacher Index ?! |
 | Die besten / schlechtesten Familienbuecher Banats |
 | Schwarz & Weiss im Triebswetter [Tomnatic] Familienbuch |
 | Law of the National Archives | Gesetz der Nationalarchiven [in german] |
 | Jewish Genealogical Records at National Archives in Timişoara, Arad, Caransebeş |
 | The Sosa-Stradonitz System or Ahnentafel Numbering System |
 | Banat Related Web Pages which are Hard to Find |
More to come in the near future ...
© Copyright: GenealogyRO
Group; All Rights Reserved 2002-2016.
Information about GenealogyRO Group is available at http://www.genealogy.ro
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Some of the WEB pages are written using special romanian characters having diacritic marks [brave for A, cedilla for S and T, etc.]
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